The IMAET System

ASR™ - Advanced Stress Relief™


When parts of a body are not functioning at optimum potential or there is an aspect that needs more energy to achieve better functioning it can be stressful to other parts of and systems in the body.  It can make it difficult for a person to relax.  It can cause a person to be unable to escape a chronic stress reaction which enlists neurotransmitters that strongly invigorate.  It may block blood-flow to certain areas of the body, such as those which assist in digestion, impeding nourishment.  It can prevent sleep antagonizing anxiety, depression, and brain fog.  All of these can initiate illness in the body.  The IMAET System works to reduce these stressors, increase the ability to relax and potentially achieve and maintain wellness.

The I.M.A.E.T. System is a biofeedback, relaxation and stress management device which records subtle, “reactive,” information provided by the client during the assessment procedure. The computer evaluates these responses, and then feeds the information back to the client. This process assists the body’s own relaxation and stress management mechanisms and encourages a sense of wellness, balance and harmony.

The IMAET can also be used as an adjunct to the NAET System of allergy elimination. 

It should not be construed as a medical claim or representation that this product is intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or/and prevention of disease or any medical condition.

Scan and Biofeedback 30-min  ($110)

Scan and Biofeedback 60-min   ($170)